Monday, November 26, 2007

A sharing by Duane - 22 Nov 2007

Harlows Yall!

To Genesisians young and older(means not old just older than young)... heh

Last Saturday, I made myself free from work to attend The Feast of Saint Cecilia Workshop. Who is Saint Cecilia? If you've not known, she is the patron saint of musicians and church music [ ]. In her name we had a gathering of choirs to come and sing songs. There were about 15 odd choirs presenting their repetoire. The songs sung were not to be judged and just to be enjoyed. And truely when you sit there listening to each choir sing without judging them [ignoring the a lil off timing, sharps and flats], you can see why they are there for. TO SING PRAISES TO OUR GOD!

Why does it concern us as g2?
We are a music ministry leading the church(congregation) and representing the youth.
As role models(no matter how big or small we are) we should attend and support such activities to broaden our perspective(we're just g2,katong youth choir).
In turn what I got and what we can get from such activities are a rekindling of the fire within, learning more of our ministry, how we can improve ourselves(technically and spiritually) and networking with other choirs.

What can we do now?

We as g2 should come for practice(after and before), attend Mass, experience prayermeets and have fun while making music with God in mind.

Where does it all start?

In YOU! You make the choice each saturday to set aside time for God. As many of us have been doing for the past years, months or even days with g2.

Let me share with you about someone who made a decision to join the choir and offer his talents to make God's music. He is a conductor(no its not me...). He is from the Church of the Holy Trinity. Seraphim choir of the 11am Sunday Mass. He recently joined the choir about 4 months ago. Quite normal so far right? He has a trinity college of music licientiate diploma, diploma in music performance and won many awards for piano and song writing. He has used his talent on the National level too. Someone with so much talent and with a busy schedule with NS,music competitions and his own life is giving time back to God through the choir. He is really filled with excitement about moving his choir to higher standards but with much patience and understanding.

How can You relate to him? How is he different from you? We each have our own lives to lead but we can make the choice to praise God through our talents!

On a personal level, I can feel something brewing in g2. I think we can harvest more of this brew to make Christmas a truely blessed one!

Just my thoughts from the workshop.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Heyyoz GII,

Thanks to the 15 members who turned up for prayer meet last Sat. Bible charades was hilarious!! Congrats to Grp 1 - Mel, Daffy, Melina, Joanna and Jon - for chalking up 10 points! Following close behind was Grp 2 - San, Eunice, Liz, Anthony and Dione - with 8 points! Trailing over the desert, yet to cross the Red Sea was Grp 3 - Noel, Marilyn, Joseph, Gerald and Elden - with 4 points! =)

One thing for sure that you guys realised after the game is that you all know much more abt the bible than you thought right? Praise God for calling us to be his little instruments at Mass, giving us the extra opportunity to know and understand his Word better.

But let's not jus rely on our single reading of the Word at Mass on Saturdays. Let's strive to make this a daily practice and allow His teachings to sink deep down in our hearts so that the Word is ALIVE for us.

Here are 5 simple steps to Lectio Divina (divine reading):

1. Lectio (reading) - Read the passage slowly several times

2. Meditatio (meditation) - Reflect on the text of the passage, thinking about how to apply to one's own life. Gravitate to any particular phrase or word that seems to be of particular importance.

3. Oratio (prayer) - Respond to the passage by opening your heart to God. This is not primarily an intellectual exercise, but more of the beginning of a conversation with God.

4. Contemplatio (contemplation) - Listen to God. This is a freeing oneself from one's own thoughts, both mundane and holy. It is about hearing God talk to us. Opening our mind, heart and soul to the influence of God. Any conversation must allow for both sides to communicate, and this most unfamiliar act is allowing oneself to be open to hearing God speak.

5. Actio (action) - Practice what you have heard and have been taught. There is no better way to evangelise than to be of an example. Live the Word!

One way to understand a person's actions, thoughts and feelings is to read his/her diary. And if Jesus were to have a blog, I guess the Bible would be it! The best thing is, we do not need internet connection... =) Let's start getting into the mind of God and really KNOW Him! Embrace your faith!

10 mins is all you need...
Bo Peep Drea